Welcome to the Upshur County Board of Education!
08 | 15 | 2010
Welcome to the Upshur County Board of Education!
Welcome Letter 2010
Written by Scott Lampinen   
Tuesday, 03 August 2010 17:17

August 1, 2010

Dear Upshur County Community:
It is hard to believe that another summer is coming to an end and that the 2010-2011 school year will be here in a few short weeks. On behalf of the Upshur County Board of Education, I welcome you to the new school year.

Please be advised that the first day of school for students, grades kindergarten through twelve, will be Monday, August 23, 2010 (this will be a full day of instruction). School buses will be running their regular schedules. Breakfast and lunch will be available at all schools. Parents of students attending pre-kindergarten centers should contact the individual center for first day attendance information.

Parents/guardians of any new students to Upshur County Schools who have not yet enrolled should do so at their prospective schools. Due to varying staff development and meeting schedules of school personnel, it is advisable to call the school ahead of your visit.

Again, welcome to a new school year. We are truly excited to begin!

For further information regarding Upshur County Schools, please visit us at our website at www.upshurcountyschools.com.


August 1, 2010

Dear Upshur County Community:

It is hard to believe that another summer is coming to an end and that the 2010-2011 school year will be here in a few short weeks. On behalf of the Upshur County Board of Education, I welcome you to the new school year.

Please be advised that the first day of school for students, grades kindergarten through twelve, will be Wednesday, August 23, 2010 (this will be a full day of instruction). School buses will be running their regular schedules. Breakfast and lunch will be available at all schools. Parents of students attending pre-kindergarten centers should contact the individual center for first day attendance information.

Parents/guardians of any new students to Upshur County Schools who have not yet enrolled should do so at their prospective schools. Due to varying staff development and meeting schedules of school personnel, it is advisable to call the school ahead of your visit.

Again, welcome to a new school year. We are truly excited to begin!

For further information regarding Upshur County Schools, please visit us at our website at www.upshurcountyschools.com.


Scott M. Lampinen



Last Updated on Wednesday, 04 August 2010 07:20
“Reach and Teach” Teacher's Academy
Written by Glenna Clutter   
Tuesday, 25 May 2010 10:36

Upshur County Schools will be holding its first Summer Academy for Teachers. The “Reach and Teach” Academy will be held August 11, 12, and 13, 2010, on the campus of West Virginia Wesleyan College. The agenda for the academy will address topics that are relevant to instructional needs at all programmatic and curricular levels.

Teachers are encouraged to attend the academy for maximum training opportunities and to learn from nationally-recognized speakers and presenters. Elizabeth Breaux will be the keynote speaker at 8:00 a.m. on August 11 in the Virginia Law Performing Arts Center.

The traditional convocation for the opening of school will be held on August 18 at Buckhannon-Upshur High School for all school employees. Schools will complete WESTEST data analysis in the afternoon.
Teachers will be able to complete all eighteen hours of required staff development for the year by attending the academy and attending the convocation and test data analysis session on August 18. Additional staff development sessions will be offered during the week of August 16 and during the school year.

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